Love it when a plan comes together...

YAY! I'll scream it again...YAY! My interview yesterday was fantastic! Just have to go in on Monday and discuss benefits, salary, etc. with the accountant. Not sure if you can tell, but I'm absolutely stoked about this job and everything it brings.

I'll be working in Kinston again, which I love. Never in a million years would I want to live there, but working there is fantastic thanks to the ease of getting around town and the great selection of local eateries to have lunch. I also will get to travel to Myrtle Beach twice a year for regional conventions (will never complain about that). One of the other wonderful aspects is the amount of creative freedom that comes with it. The owner basically said that she wants a marketing department that can run on its own <----No micro-managing?! Sign me up!

But by far my favorite part of this new venture is...moving back to Goldsboro! We've already picked out the place we would like to relocate, and let me just tell you, it's incredible! I'm including some photos just so you can get an idea of how incredible it is. (To make things perfectly clear, I'm NOT buying another house anytime soon. Not when I can live in a place like this and not have the headache of lawn care, maintenance, etc.)

Just in case you were wondering, I AM in love! These are the newest apartment complexes in Goldsboro and they're gorgeous! It's just an added bonus that they are in a great location that is minutes away from everything, but aren't in the middle of town. I'm so ready to sell my house and start packing. Unfortunately, this is going to be a while down the road. There's a lot to be done to get the house ready for sale, so guess what I'll be doing in my free time for the next several weeks? Oh, and of course my apartment will look EXACTLY like the photos That is, obviously, after I sell/throw out every item that we own and buy all new furniture. While that most likely won't happen, there will be a budget set up specifically for home improvements. When Jeremy said that, I fell in love with him all over again :)

Well, enough rambling for now. I'm not even sure if I made a concise thought in any of that up above. Either way, have a fabulous Friday, everyone and enjoy your weekend!


Fix-it Friday #52


Great Autumn photo this week. There's so much you can do with a photo like this. Alas, I only had time to do 3. Not exactly happy with the way the photos look when posted, but I guess they'll have to do. Now, head over to iheartfaces to see more or do your own!

Edit One

Edit Two

Edit Three


Here we go...

Nothing really life altering today. Cut out of work early today due to a wardrobe malfunction. Hopefully no one was a witness to it. Anyway, here's what I've done in the past hour. It's a mock-up website for a company that I applied to and have a second interview with tomorrow. Nothing special, but it will do. Wish me lots and lots of luck!


Lots of new things happening...

Along with the new season has come the birth of productivity. So many things are getting accomplished thanks simply to the power of a list! There's something so gratifying about crossing each item off as it's finished. So far, the garden has been planted, the bathroom painted, and the business of crocheting is underway. Which reminds me, here's the most recent addition to my little crocheted bed buddies family:

Not as cute as the bunnies that I previously made, but the little kitty will do :) Next up on the agenda: Elephant. It's probably going to be a little more difficult that the others, so wish me luck. I simply cannot wait to have enough made to start an Etsy store. My MIL is coming up with some great matching pieces and ideas as well. Going to be cute!

Speaking of cute, check out this photo of the world's smallest horse that was just born. 6 lbs., people! How flippin' adorable is this little guy?! Everyone take a look at "Einstein" and on the count of three.....1....2....3...Awwwwwww!

By the way, I've got a second interview for the marketing director position on Thursday, so keep your fingers crossed and have a happy Tuesday!

P.S. New header...woohoo!


"smiles" Iheartfaces entry

While I have no expectations of winning, I thought I would join in this week's contest just for the fun of it. And because I haven't done this in FOREVER! This week's theme is just too cute though. It's all about the smiles :)



Well, it's Monday....again....

It's hard to believe how productive I was this weekend. Don't ask my husband though because he'll say that I wasn't since the house still needs to be cleaned. Cleaning aside, a lot of other things got accomplished.

Saturday morning I got up bright and early (at the crack of 9:00) and headed over to Neuseway Park to help a co-worker with a community project. Several churches worked on improving some of the public sites in Kinston. Our assignment was to paint the inside of the train tunnel and give it a faux rock look by sponge painting it and applying some fake moss. I had to leave around 1:00, but when I left, it was looking pretty good.

On the way home I decided to stop by hell, I mean Walmart, to get some supplies for my little crochet bed buddies. In my head I'm thinking that I'll do a little cleaning around the house and then relax, put on some Lost, and crochet for the rest of the day. Alas, this was not my destiny. Just outside of LA, my SIL called and asked if I was ready to pick up the plants for my (non-existent) garden. Why not? I was already in the car and driving an extra 40 minutes just gives me more time to listen to the iPod. They end up giving us one of everything they have along with a giant bag of compost. Bear in mind that while I have tended a garden in the past, I've never started my own. So no high hopes for this first annual Owens garden. It was such a pain to even get it started. I won't bore you with the details, just understand that this was as much as I could physically do without needing a trip to the hospital. The result is that my plants are way too close together (oops). It's not pretty, but maybe it'll grow something. They'll probably end up needing to be transplanted somewhere else. We'll see how it goes (or grows <---bahahaha, garden humor).

Ignore the disgustingly large amount of grass that is seeping through the fence posts. Our yard is like a jungle right now. Our goal for yesterday was to get an old riding lawnmower from the parentals. Unfortunately, that lawnmower still hasn't been fixed yet. Not sure what our plans are, but Jeremy comes close to death every time he gets out there with the push mower to tackle our football field sized yard (well, it's probably not that big, but it certainly feels like it sometimes).

Anyway, there was a little time to crochet in between laundry and having a massive headache that knocked me out for about 5 hours. Luckily, I've discovered that I can proofread at work and crochet at the same time. Hopefully my employers won't discover my discovery, but that's a different story. My MIL did come up with a fabulous idea while we were having dinner with them Saturday night. She's going to crochet baby blankets while I crochet stuffed animals and we'll sell them as matching pieces. Pretty genius I thought. Can't wait to have enough for Etsy!

Happy Monday All!


Thursday is just a Friday wannabe...

So, I spoiled myself and took yesterday off. Well, not completely off. I did have a job interview yesterday afternoon. I think it went well, but you can never really tell with these things. I do know that it's a lot easier to be relaxed when you already have a job. But other than the hour that I was there, I spent the rest of the day slacking off and crocheting. While it's certainly not as difficult as it used to be, there is still a lot to learn. Slowly but surely, however, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Here's my latest creations:

The little bunny even sold yesterday! Ok, well, I sold it to my MIL, but it still counts! When I get several of them made, an Etsy store might need to be in order. Not a huge money making scheme by any means, but it'll help pay for more yarn!


Who would you choose to be your celebrity BFFs?

Saw this on a blog I follow and it seemed like a fun post for a mundane Tuesday. I cheated and had a tie. But did you really expect me to narrow it down to just one?!

1. THE bestie: the one who I would tell my deepest, darkest secrets to. the one who i would be able to call any hour of the day or night just to tell her something only SHE would appreciate. shopping trips, inside jokes, everything...this award would go to:

Emily Blunt: Love this chick. She pulls off the witty, sarcastic character a little too well for it not to be true. Not to mention, any girl that can capture Michael Bublé's heart can't be bad!

2. The gay BFF: the guy I'd get my fashion advice from. the one who would tell me the stories of his boyfriends or his style...and to keep me in check. this award goes to:

Neil Patrick Harris: Just because he's hilarious. And it's freakin' Doogie Howser!

The stylish BFF: This would be the one i go to for all of my fashion advice. The one I go shopping with and take her advice....she is the one who accessorizes and helps me decide what would look best on me...and this BFF award goes to:


Kate Beckinsale: Not only is she disgustingly gorgeous, I absolutely love everything she wears. I hate her and love her at the same time :P

Zoe Saldana: This girl's style is sick. She always dresses in the most elegant and fashion-forward clothes. Love her!

4. The best GUY friend: This is the guy who would be there to kick my boyfriend's ass when he screws up. this is the one i can trust with anything and always comforts me when i need to hear positive comments. The one i can sit back and watch action movies with and not have to dress up around. he can see me without make up on and it wouldn't matter because he doesn't judge me like that...this award goes to:

Chris Pine: I certainly wouldn't mind having a guy BFF who looks like Chris. It also helps that he's a total goof ball.

5. T
he FRIEND with BENEFITS: this would be the one that i pretend is JUST my friend, but those nights we drink a LITTLE too much or perhaps get burned by someone we care about....we always have those OFF moments. We both know we are MORE than just friends...and that would be:

Ryan Reynolds: Really, my #4 and #5 picks are interchangeable. They both are intelligent, funny, and did I mention hot? I also must note that I hate Scarlett Johannsen for being able to come home to this every night...

The GOSSIP BFF: the girl who i can call and talk about anyone and anything and she wouldn't judge. she knows all the juicy stuff and we can laugh all day about the crazy drama that this town is infested with. but i also wonder what she says when i'm not around...

Kate Hudson: I heart her.

THE BFF to have FUN with: the girl i wanna go dancing with! the one who is the life of the party and never to take too seriously. party, drink, take a million photos with...i'd do this with:

Jessica Simpson: She's as goofy as I am. I imagine shopping trips and going out with her would be a blast because she's silly ALL THE TIME! Doesn't hurt that we share a love for maltipoos too :)

8. The one i could LIVE with: This girl is responsible, clean, and not annoying. She is dependable and easy to get along with. drama-free and someone i could co habitate with:

Zooey Deschanel: She seems insanely cool. I can't even dream of having drama with her around. It might be a little selfish of me to choose her because I would just want her to practice her music around the house all the time. Her voice is fantastic :) I'd ransack her closet too!

9. The one i'd end up marrying: This is the guy friend that was always JUST my buddy. My childhood friend. the one who i end up happily ever AFTER with....and i should have just realized it forever ago!:

Zachary Quinto: I can't help it. I have a thing for dark haired, dark eyed guys. His role as Sylar on Heroes makes being bad look sooooooo good! (There's also a rumor that he's gay. Just for the record, I don't care....look at the guy!!)

10. The BFF i could do nothing with and still have fun: This is the girl who has known me since i was a little kid. the one who sits with me when i blog, watches old movies with, and knows my whole life story. the one who is in my wedding and always gives me good advice:

Rachel McAdams: Well, I'm not Canadian, but I could visualize growing up with her. Rachel always comes across as totally down to earth. I wouldn't have her in my wedding though. It's not right for a bridesmaid to upstage the bride.

By the way, it's just a coincidence that 3 of my choices are from Star Trek. Can't help they did a great job with casting.


Fix-It Friday #50 <--woohoo!

Let me just start off this Fix-It Friday (#50 by the way!) with this: I hate pretty people. There I said it. Especially when they're this pretty as a teenager. Someone tell this girl you're supposed to look awkward! Makes me sick.

1st edit: Just an overall improvement of the image. Nothing fancy. Just increased the saturation, adjusted the levels to brighten it up, did two types of sharpening filters, and finished up with a warming filter. Then I just cropped it at an angle.

2nd edit: Took what I had already done with the first edit and converted it to grayscale. I had to play with the exposure a little bit to bring back some of the medium tones.

3rd edit: Another digital painting. To learn the process for this edit, click here.

To see more Fix-it Friday edits or to do your own, head over to iheartfaces!


Wordless Wednesday

Let's face it...I can't be wordless

Painting that I did of Jeremy a couple of years ago. And while I was taking this photo, this is what I had to deal with:


For more Wordless Wednesday posts, click HERE!


Oh the creativity...

The creativity bug is biting once again. This past weekend, the opening of a small farmer's market was held in Goldsboro. Out of sheer curiosity (and because my MIL told me they would be selling crafts there), I went to check it out. Not huge by any means. There were probably only about eight vendors, but the items they were selling were soooooo good! In addition to my SIL selling some plants from their greenhouse (and making about $120), there were people selling handwoven baskets, pottery, photography, dyed silk scarves, handmade jewelry, and lots of sewn bags. I was in a momentary state of euphoria. Not even sure what to use these for, but I just couldn't leave without buying them:

Now I just need to open up my brand new sewing machine (that I bought a year ago and never opened), and watch some youtube videos so I can figure out how to make some of the cute things I saw. I realize that my "goals" list is getting annoyingly long, but I'm hoping to finish up some paintings, crocheted items, and maybe some sewn crafts that I can sell here before the summer is over. Almost finished with my little blue stuffed animal:

Doesn't take nearly as long when I use a larger needle. Not a bad evening/weekend project that might actually recover some of the hundreds of dollars that I've spent on supplies.

In other news, (insert flashy headline and dramatic music here) Jeremy might be getting a new job. :) <----Happy face!!! It's a position with a company that installs granite counter tops. Not exactly what you might choose for a music major, but as long as it pays the bills and keeps Jeremy from stressing out about money, I'm all for it! We also might be getting new furniture. I use the term "new" loosely. For anyone who knows me well enough, you know that I ADORE old furniture. There's nothing like a piece that has history behind it and you can tell a story about. That being said, my grandparents are purchasing new furniture and getting rid of some that they've had forever. I'm not talking about the stuff that they purchased a several years ago, I'm talking about the covered rocking chair that is so iconic from my childhood. It's the one that was always reserved as my grandmother's place that sat next to my grandfather's recliner. It is seriously mind blowing to think that she might even consider giving it away. Especially since she had it reupholstered around the time I left for college and it really hasn't been used since. We're talking pristine condition here. Soooo if she does, I plan on taking it if for no other reason than to preserve that little part of my childhood from getting tossed out with the trash.

By the way, while visiting them yesterday, I snapped what might be one of the only photos in history of their living room without the deer heads and bobcat that has graced the walls for the past 40+ years. This phenomenon only happens when it's time to paint the room white and ONLY white (since my gma will never consider using color in the house. This probably explains my obsession with crazy colors in mine). It also happens to include the rocking chair I was referring to. Excuse the blurriness and enjoy :)


I'm a lucky girl...

Normally my time is spent venting about various things that annoy me. Today's different though. Today, I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for all the wonderful aspects of my life...

Family. Biological and by marriage, my family (for the most part) is fantastic. Words can't express how thankful I am to have Jeremy in my life. Sure, he can be a jerk...a self-professed one, by the way...but he has a supportive and nurturing side that takes my breath away. His talent, hunger for knowledge, and discipline amaze me and make me incredibly jealous simultaneously. His willingness to let me have my way (most of the time) never ceases to surprise me. I'm forever in debt to his family who have been our safety net. Always willing to offer any type of help or support, they are our backbone. No one could ask for better in-laws. While my family situation is more complicated than that of Jeremy's, I'm thankful for everything it's taught me. The rest of my life will be spent in constant gratitude for the last conversation I had with my dad before he died. I only wish it had come sooner. But the people that really should be thanked are my mother and grandparents. Although I wasn't the easiest child in the world to contend with at times, they were always there for me and stood behind the decisions I made. And just ask Jeremy, it's no small task having to deal with me!

Home. As much as I like to complain about the issues of living in a 109 year old house, it's really quite wonderful. I love being able to mold and make it into something that is a reflection of me and makes us feel like we belong. It's much more than a lot of people have. In fact, it's more than I ever thought that I would have. While it's still a work in progress, it's slowly starting to feel more like home.

Opportunities. Everyone knows that this economy...well, sucks. We are extremely fortunate to have jobs that bring in at least enough money to get us by. We're not getting rich by any means, and our bank accounts have been a little heftier, but we're able to pay the bills and be content in the mean time. There are a few prospects on the horizon that hopefully will put us in a better situation, but for now, we're just thankful that we're not on welfare.

There's so many things missing from this list, but I could really go on for days: the sound of a purring cat on my lap, laughing every evening with friends, smell of clean laundry, being able to open the windows and let the spring breeze fill the house, crocheting something new, freshly painted walls, the lighting at dusk, 5:00 on the clock at work, curling up under a blanket with Jeremy while watching a movie, and my personal favorite...having nothing planned to do on a Saturday afternoon but sit at home with my hubby :) Makes me look forward to tomorrow.


It's all coming together...

The list is dwindling down and yet there's still so much to do! Next on the agenda is clearing out the junk. Among the items that are getting sold: 2 paintings, foosball table, camera (getting a new one), Taylor guitar, hotdog cart, clothes, and a lot more! I'm not even sure why we keep some of this stuff around.

Whenever I sell these items, the money will just go to purchase more stuff to replace them. The front porch has been pretty bare ever since we moved in. I envision ferns, rocking chairs, and a cozy swing to make it like another room that we can go to in order to enjoy the beautiful (and sometimes non-existent) spring weather. Hopefully, I'll make this happen this year. Keep your fingers crossed. My penny pinching hubby will have to approve first. Thank goodness he's around because I would go in debt just to make my house look He keeps me in check.

Tonight is reserved for cleaning out the old office, working on art for the living room, and/or rearranging/cleaning the bedroom. After that.......time to RELAX!!!!

By the way, enjoy this little gem of a video I found about Glenn Beck. Absolutely worth watching...quite disturbing actually. Here it is.


Wordless Wednesday...ok, well TWO words!



For more Wordless Wednesday posts, click HERE!


Spring (cleaning) is upon us...

Hope everyone had a nice LONG Easter break. Somehow, I spent most of mine cleaning and realizing that I have way too much junk. But before that, I did find the time to finish the bunny I was working on for my niece's birthday:

Not sure how well it will hold up (seeing how I'm not the world's best seamstress), but the end result is pretty close to what I had intended.

Back to the hellacious amount of work on what was meant to be my day off. It was long over due, so finally my hardwood floors were mopped and polished yesterday. I couldn't cover it up after all that hard work, so the large rug that went in front of the refrigerator is being tossed out and I plan on purchasing a smaller one to put in its place.

Some of the other little chores that were accomplished yesterday include: scrubing the sides of the house and back porch, mowing the lawn, laundry, cleaned appliances, washed cars, vacuumed, and prepared the bathroom to be painted. There's still so much left to be done though. I am seriously considering having a yard sale. There's no reason to keep all the artwork, clothes, rugs, etc. that I hate and know I don't really even want. An added plus is that if I sell them, there might be a little extra money to buy the stuff I really want to have. I do have the luxury today of going to pick out some new accessories for the house. The time has finally come to take down the laundry door and replace it with curtains. May sound cheesy to some of you, but the door that's there now is pretty, but polish a turd and it's still a turd. The bottom section where the hinges are is completely busted out and I would rather just take it down and make that area a little more accessible. In addition to the new curtains, a new paint color for the bathroom has to be picked out. Now I've gone through a long list of paint colors that I would love to have and I think this is the one:

The floors won't look nearly this good since there is a vintage basketweave black & white tile in there now, and I won't have that gorgeous sink, but I think this color will turn my little "hole in the wall" into a sootheing oasis. Ok, that might be a stretch...but at least it will look good! If the paint bug is still biting when the bathroom is finished, I might even paint the hallway, bedroom, and exercise room as well. Either way, wish me luck. There's a lot of work to do.


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