As I sit here trying not to vomit at work, I think it's a good time to recap my weekend and do a new post.
Let me just start by saying that this weekend was incredible! It started off with going to Raleigh to see the Broadway South Series play "Little House on the Prairie." Very interesting hour long trip that included me sitting on the "hump" in the front seat. That's right, we crammed 6 women into a Buick Century because we thought that would make it more fun :) I love these ladies dearly, but next time I plan on driving separately in order to save my legs and rear end. We arrived at the auditorium a little early, so we enjoyed a nice glass of wine outside in the amazingly beautiful weather. Let it be known that I'm stoked at this point. We were all looking forward to seeing Melissa Gilbert star as "Ma" ( cool is that?) Anyway, we go inside and get seated. The play begins with some announcements beforehand. Apparently, one of the announcements was that Melissa Gilbert wouldn't be performing that day. Wh...Wha....WHAT?! Of course, her understudy looked so much like her (and since I didn't hear that particular announcement), I spent the first half of the play thinking that it was actually her. My eye sight isn't what it used to be and obviously half of the audience was in the same boat because everyone clapped when "Ma" entered the first scene. During intermission, my MIL informed us that, in fact, it wasn't Melissa Gilbert and at that point I declared that this play was dead to me. retrospect, the play was fantastic. Definitely the best one I've ever seen. The way they used the lighting and props mesmerized me. Not to mention that the singing was just insanely good. BUT...and that's a big but...if you're charging $61 a ticket and billing the celebrity above the name of the play itself, they better be there! Seriously, I don't wish sickness on many people, but she had better be in the hotel puking her guts up, especially since I rode the "hump" between my SIL and my husband's aunt to go see her. Bear in mind that I didn't pay for my ticket myself, but my MIL had purchased these months ago and all of us had been anticipating seeing little "Laura" from the television show starring as "Ma". Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Damn you, Melissa Gilbert.
Sunday was wonderful as well. Really wish that the weather had been as nice as the previous day, but at least it wasn't raining. I even drove with the top down on the convertible for a while. Can't complain about that. I went to my grandparents' house for the first time in forever (on a Sunday at least) since my family always gets together for lunch. My grandmother is the best cook in the world. Don't argue with that, you won't win. So, I ate some chicken pastry, sat and talked for an hour or so, and then we turned the kitchen into a beauty parlor. There was 1 perm, 3 haircuts, 1 coloring, and 3 pairs of eyebrows plucked—and none of those were mine! After we finished playing salon, I went home, picked up Jeremy (who had gone to the grocery store while I was gone. LOVE that man), and we went to his sister's house for her husband John's birthday. Wasn't too terrible. I think they fear store bought items. Love them to death, but homemade hamburger buns don't work. Not to mention that Jeremy is easily annoyed by people and their weird philosophies. So after eating and hanging around the fire pit for a bit, we left and crashed at the house. All in all, a pretty good weekend I think.
I had said that I would be posting some photos of the items I crocheted, so here they are. I finished the phone cover I planned to do. This is just a test run for it. The actual one I do will be much cuter, I just need to buy the right yarn. I'm also including some hats and headbands that I crocheted for a friend's two daughters. Not bad for a first attempt, right?

Can't wait to work on some more projects. Really wished I could crochet faster. There's too much stuff I want to do! Maybe I'll be able to finish something else this week. Which reminds me...we're going to see Sister Hazel in concert this Wednesday! It should be a blast. Hopefully, they won't be like Melissa Gilbert and they'll actually show up :P