Procrastination is a SERIOUS disease...

...and it happens to be just one of my many afflictions. I managed to procrastinate on a project so long that I left myself only two days to complete it when normally it would take at least a week. There's just so much to do. Oh well, it's finished and now I can BLOG!

Unfortunately, I don't have that much to blog about. Right now I'm in a race with Jeremy to see who can stay ahead on watching episodes of Heroes. (He passed me last night while I was asleep, which sucks because I was three episodes ahead and kept sneaking spoilers into our conversations.) Watching Heroes isn't ENTIRELY unproductive. While wasting my time sitting in front of ye olde boob tube, I've been crocheting a phone cover for my phone. Sounds lame, but I think it will end up being pretty cute :) I'll post some photos of the finished product. I'm also back sleeping beside Jeremy again now that the poopy plague is gone and the bedding has been washed. It was nice to not have anyone steal the covers though. ;) I'll miss that. Anyway, that's all for now. Later!

P.S. Forgot to mention that this weekend I will be going to Raleigh to see a production of Little House on the Prairie starring one Ms. Melissa Gilbert. Go ahead, be jealous. Thanks to my awesome MIL for buying tickets :)

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