I'm feeling creative
"Pepper: Spice up your camera" Giveaway!
My House
Albums, Albums everywhere...
Fix-It Friday :)
On this second one, I wanted to make it a little more dramatic. So, I turned it into a black and white image, sharpened it (b/c I don't like blurry b&ws), and did a levels adjustment to bring out some contrast. What I didn't mention before is that I went in with the paint brush to put in some highlights. Since it's so dark, there's not a lot of depth in the photo. I used white on the PB set to about 5% and painted some white highlights on his lips, cheeks, eyes, nose, etc...just to give the illusion of some natural light. Then I cropped it with a little rotation.Finally, I did another digital painting. I think I might try to do one of these every week. I know it looks similar to the first one, but I used the smudge tool along with a ton of other tricks to give it a oil-painting effect. Instead of explaining everything here, I might just do a tutorial in another post later if anyone actually wants to learn this whole process.
What do you mean you don't see it?!
For those of you who don't know, I have a cat with an unusual name. Actually, both of my cats have unusual names, but we'll get to that at a later date. Back to the topic at hand....when I got this particular kitty, I knew I wanted a white cat. I know, I know...seems kind of snobby to search for an animal based on looks, but I previously had 2 black dogs and a white couch...I NEEDED a white cat. After endless searching, I found this kitty who was in a cage all by himself at a pet store (don't judge, I tried contacting the animal shelters and they SUCK at returning calls especially when they don't have a physical location). Anyway, there were other kittens there, but he was still all by himself, and me being a sucker, I couldn't just leave him all alone. He just happened to be a white kitten. Well, not ALL white, but mostly. He has a long black tail, three black spots on his back, and his black "hair-do" on top. He was the ugliest kitten you've ever seen. He's grown to be a gorgeous cat, but he was just stringy and ugly as a kitten. I'll have to find his kitten photos so I can prove my point even better. That's right, there's a point to all of this.