Love this guy!
My new favorite face
Prepare to be bombarded with cuteness. I only took about 450 photos of Audrey and Charlotte and this is what I finished in the past hour and a half. Wish I had a few of these a couple of days ago. I could have entered one of these into iHeartFaces's contest :)
My little model
Gotta love new toys
I'm absolutely thrilled because my flash arrived earlier than I expected. Love, love, love it! The only bad thing about it is that it's about the same size as my camera! It makes holding the camera a little more awkward, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Get ready for a ton of new pics now that I'm completely equipped. Did I mention I love this thing? So excited! (I'm such a nerd. Shut up, Kari).
And finally, here's my confession of the day: I'm a moron. Ok, it's a confession, not necessarily a surprise. While typing this blog in Safari, I "somehow" deleted the search bar. Yeah....i know. I didn't even know you could do that. The problem is that I can't get it to come It's so sad. I had to resort to using FireFox because I can't type in a web address in Safari. I'm so stupid—Why, if I were lying face down on the floor, I wouldn't have sense enough to turn my head to breathe. (<----Bonus points if you knew where I got that from).
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm going to go get some dinner and prepare to watch Pitchmen tonight. I don't even know why I like this show.
Don't know about you guys, but I'm a huge fan of audio books. Like I've stated in previous posts, I have recently become addicted to podcasts. While listening to one of my favorites (Stuff You Should Know), they mentioned one of their sponsors— And since I am such a fan, I thought I would pass this cool deal onto you. If you go to this site, you can sign up to receive a free audio download. They have a ton of stuff from famous speeches, stand-up comedy, and of course books to choose from. I'm still trying to decide what I will spend my free credit on, but I'm leaning towards Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer about his personal account of an expedition on Everest that occurs during the deadliest season in the mountain's history. In case you didn't know, I have a crazy notion that one day I will climb Mt. Everest. Hahahaha...probably not going to happen, but I can dream, right? Anyway, go sign up and enjoy an audio download. Until we blog again....
iHeartFaces Blurb photo contest
It is so Monday...
A Quick Recap...
Ok, been incredibly busy for the past week. Obviously, since I'm just now getting around to posting a blog. Anyway, just wanted to catch up with everything that's been going on:
WAAAaayyyy behind
Ok, lots going on lately. I've kind of fallen behind in my blogging (like someone else I know). So look for the upcoming blogs about: Family game night, Topher at the festival, the new job, henna party, and anything else I can think of. Unfortunately, can't write about any of those in detail right now because I have to finish cleaning my house and preparing for the first of those things in the list. Now I just need Jeremy to get home from the grocery store so I can start cooking. Later All! Happy Mother's Day :)