Gotta love new toys
I'm absolutely thrilled because my flash arrived earlier than I expected. Love, love, love it! The only bad thing about it is that it's about the same size as my camera! It makes holding the camera a little more awkward, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Get ready for a ton of new pics now that I'm completely equipped. Did I mention I love this thing? So excited! (I'm such a nerd. Shut up, Kari).
And I definitely have to mention this. I guess I don't really HAVE to, but I found it a little amusing. This morning on the way to work, I somehow ended up in a road rage sandwich. One of my biggest pet peeves are me-monsters who don't pay attention to the people around them, especially when they're navigating 4000+ lb vehicle. These two cars decided that they would ride at the exact same speed down the highway side by side. That annoys me already, but even more so is that the speed they decided to go was 50 mph. Ugh, just ugh. I'm not really sure where these people were going, but I have a 45 minute commute and I'd really rather not stretch it out any further than it needs to be. So, I'm riding behind this huge GMC SUV and this lady is obviously oblivious to the amount of traffic accumalating behind her. Directly behind me is a very impatient 18-wheeler. How do I know he was impatient, you ask? Well, he was about 12 feet (that's right, I measured) behind my bumper, and he begins to honk his horn. Not once, but several times. Does this phaze our me-monster GMC driver? Of course not because she's still ridin' that left lane like she's the only one there. So after about 10-15 minutes of this fun little escapade, the 18-wheeler is able to move over and pass in the right lane. And of course these two procede to exhibit their class by making obscene gestures and yelling at each other through open windows. Then he takes the high road and almost clips the front of her car as he cuts her off. Now...while I was slightly annoyed about the whole situation, I really couldn't be too mad because this whole scene was so amusing. But I couldn't help but think after it was all over that I should be the one getting pissed off. I mean, I'm stuck behind a retarded driver with tunnel vision and a tailgating big rig. Unlike these two, I really can't see myself flipping off another driver though. However, if they had caused me to wreck, you better believe both of them would feel the wrath of my red-headed temper.
And finally, here's my confession of the day: I'm a moron. Ok, it's a confession, not necessarily a surprise. While typing this blog in Safari, I "somehow" deleted the search bar. Yeah....i know. I didn't even know you could do that. The problem is that I can't get it to come It's so sad. I had to resort to using FireFox because I can't type in a web address in Safari. I'm so stupid—Why, if I were lying face down on the floor, I wouldn't have sense enough to turn my head to breathe. (<----Bonus points if you knew where I got that from).
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm going to go get some dinner and prepare to watch Pitchmen tonight. I don't even know why I like this show.
And finally, here's my confession of the day: I'm a moron. Ok, it's a confession, not necessarily a surprise. While typing this blog in Safari, I "somehow" deleted the search bar. Yeah....i know. I didn't even know you could do that. The problem is that I can't get it to come It's so sad. I had to resort to using FireFox because I can't type in a web address in Safari. I'm so stupid—Why, if I were lying face down on the floor, I wouldn't have sense enough to turn my head to breathe. (<----Bonus points if you knew where I got that from).
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm going to go get some dinner and prepare to watch Pitchmen tonight. I don't even know why I like this show.