Ugh...just ugh
Just a quick list of the reasons that I'm upset with my small town...
1. It's small. Not always a bad thing, but EVERYTHING shuts down around 9:00 p.m. It's just not the best conditions if you have a craving for chocolate at midnight.
2. Checkpoints. Seriously, the first 3 months I lived here, 8 license checkpoints. This town isn't that big, people!!
3. Power outages. I have no idea what it takes to power a town. I don't really care that much. I just know that if I pay for electricity, there shouldn't be a reason for the power to go out 2 times a month for NO reason. It's not like we live in tornado alley and storms run rampant.
4. Cutting down trees. Unless you are from a HUGE town where your idea of scenery is a flower pot on a window sill, you probably think trees are nice. Nothing wrong with the ones on my street. They make the street more attractive, provide shade, and that whole producing oxygen thing isn't too bad either. So, I really can't figure out why they decided to cut down 10 of them along my street. Annoys me though.
5. Results of cutting down trees. Now, if you're going to cut down trees for no reason, at least you could do it right. First, there's an ugly stump in front of my house. And secondly, if you're going to cut down a tree for NO REASON, you could unplug the big black cable that is running right by it. But why do that when you can just snap it causing the resident that you're annoying anyway to be annoyed even more since now they're paying for cable and internet and don't have it for 3 days because you're a moron. *Sigh*
Ok, that's enough ranting...I feel slightly better now. Not a lot though. Cause that ugly stump is still there.
AWWWW...small towns stink...good thing I live in the thriving metropolis that is Kinston!!