Feelin' Good
>> Tuesday, April 21, 2009 –
Not only is that a great song by Michael Bublé, but it aptly describes my mood today. As stated earlier, I had a job interview this morning and things went pretty well. I think so, anyway. I don't want to jinx it, but hopefully things will work out with this position. If all of the stars aline, Jeremy and I might be moving to Greenville in the future. Woohoo! We've been discussing moving out of La Grange for a while and I think we would love living in Greenville (can you say "shopping!"). But I'm getting ahead of myself. All I can do now is pray and hope for the best :)
On a completely different and random note, thought I would share two of my new loves: Flight of the Conchords and podcasts. That's right, world! I'm finally catching up. Now, bear in mind that I've had access to both of these for quite some time now. The credit for both of these should really go to my iPhone (oh, how I love thee). So, I just have some recommendations for some great entertainment and learning possibilities. Just go to YouTube and type in Flight of the Conchords. Any of the videos are hilarious. As for podcasts, my favs have to be "Stuff You Didn't Know" and "Stuff You Missed in History Class." The second one is a little hard to get used to for me because I hate their voices, but the information is fantastic. So, do yourself a favor and look these up. You can thank me later ;)
Okay, so I LOVE that song.
And, I am upset that you never told me about the interview until AFTER it happened!!!! What's up with that!?