Plight of the 107 Year Old House

That's right! Once again, I'm having issues with my house. But what can you expect with a building that's been through 2 millennia? Last Saturday night/Sunday morning, the electricity magically went out in my office. So today I got an electrician to come in and fix it only to find out that I could have fixed it myself by pushing a button on an outlet in another room. Man, I'm a retard. I was really upset that I couldn't use the computer, so no blogging. I mean, if you want to get technical, I could have used my phone, but I really would rather not type a whole blog using my phone. But that's not all. My air conditioning doesn't work.....ugh. So I'm just in a miserable mood. The electrician that I called was a super nice guy though. He figured out the issue with the circuits inside, checked on the air conditioner outside, and when he couldn't fix it, he called a heating/air guy for me. Hopefully the air will be fixed tomorrow and all will be fantastic. 

In other news, I start my new job on Monday! We'll see how things go, but I'm excited. Not exactly sure what my duties will be. A lot of proofreading (hilarious, right?) and some design. What this really means is that I'm one step closer to moving to Greenville. Probably won't move until next year, but it's being discussed. Anyway, time for, later :)


A sea of coins

Ok, this might be the most boring confession ever, but I'm going to tell it anyway. I was struck yesterday with some sort of desire to count the change that Jeremy and I have been saving. We haven't done as well as we have in the past. Years ago, I heard a story about a man who saved pennies. Anytime he found a penny on the street or got any as change, he would take it and deposit it into one of the many buckets of pennies he had collected in his garage. When he finally got around to counting them all, he had accumulated over $10,000. Not too shabby, huh? Well, after hearing this, I thought, why don't we just buy a water jug and empty our pocket change into it every evening. It took us six months (I think) to acquire $300.00. The cool thing about this is that you don't even think about it. 

Anyway, back to the story at hand. I decided to dump out our water jug and count the contents last night while watching Dirty Jobs. By the way, handling money is a dirty job! My hands were black at the end of the night. We sat down and sorted through all the loose change and organized it into neat little piles. I would say the entire process took 3 hours. The result? $198.00 dollars. Unfortunately, after finishing, I realized we are out of coin wrappers. So it's still sitting in my floor. Looks kind of like this:

Not sure what we are going to do with it. Probably keep saving until we have enough to put towards a vacation. I also should mention that at least $25.00 of that came out of my wallet and door in my car. Maybe I'll get better gas mileage with all that weight gone now.


Audrey Christine

Just thought I would torture Kari with a few pics of Audrey that she hasn't seen yet. Much more to come ;)

You can't even tell she was extremely unhappy that day, haha :)


Falling Behind

Ok, I'm really tired of working double shifts at work. It's for a good cause, however. The girl I work with is dealing with her husband being deployed, so I understand. BUT, I'm still getting tired of it. One of the main reasons is that I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do at home. The main thing being CLEAN! I'm having to prioritize things. For instance, my kitchen is clean, but there's a pile of clothes that have been washed and I still haven't hung them up. I'm sure there are people who disagree with me, but I feel like it is much more important to go outside to exercise and socialize with Topher rather than hang up a pair of jeans. I'll be so glad when it's over in a couple of weeks. 

There's also something I kind of want to vent about. I'm so angry with my husband's employer. Jeremy is an extremely dedicated worker and I think that he gets taken advantage of sometimes because of this. He had an opportunity recently to take a different position in the company that would include a higher salary and switching to a daytime work shift. His supervisor wanted to keep him on nights though, so he told him that if he stayed where he is, he would get a raise and they would create a "leadership" position for him. In order for any of this to take place, they needed to find someone to take over his current job first. The BIGGEST problem with this is that they're not advertising for his spot. Not only that, but after being told that he would definitely get a pay raise, they told him that probably wasn't going to happen. So, basically what is left when you combine all these elements is one irritable Jeremy. One thing that really bothers him is that his supervisor is a friend and now Jeremy feels like he's been lied to. Now, my husband is extremely non-confrontational. However, I'm not. I have a feeling that my red-headed temper might flare up should I come in contact with this particular person in the near future. I still like this guy on a personal level, but I get so frustrated seeing Jeremy work so hard and still get the shaft. Hopefully, he will find something that suits him and makes him content soon so he doesn't come home at 11:00 each night having had a terrible day. Keeping our fingers crossed.


Feelin' Good

Not only is that a great song by Michael BublĂ©,  but it aptly describes my mood today. As stated earlier, I had a job interview this morning and things went pretty well. I think so, anyway. I don't want to jinx it, but hopefully things will work out with this position. If all of the stars aline, Jeremy and I might be moving to Greenville in the future. Woohoo! We've been discussing moving out of La Grange for a while and I think we would love living in Greenville (can you say "shopping!").  But I'm getting ahead of myself. All I can do now is pray and hope for the best :) 

On a completely different and random note, thought I would share two of my new loves: Flight of the Conchords and podcasts. That's right, world! I'm finally catching up. Now, bear in mind that I've had access to both of these for quite some time now. The credit for both of these should really go to my iPhone (oh, how I love thee). So, I just have some recommendations for some great entertainment and learning possibilities. Just go to YouTube and type in Flight of the Conchords. Any of the videos are hilarious. As for podcasts, my favs have to be "Stuff You Didn't Know" and "Stuff You Missed in History Class." The second one is a little hard to get used to for me because I hate their voices, but the information is fantastic. So, do yourself a favor and look these up. You can thank me later ;)


Most handsome pup ever!

Ok, I know I already did a post for today, but I just couldn't wait to put these up. Sorry, sometimes I can't restrain myself when it comes to my handsome boy :)

Love my little Toph :)
Just so cute :)

He just loves his frisbee :) He's learning pretty quickly.

I feel like he's saying, "Seriously, you have enough pictures. Back to frisbee."


My new addiction

No, it's not drugs, gambling, or's crocheting. That's right, I said crocheting. I have to admit I love it. I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's a new talent, but I have fun doing it and it's interesting trying to actually create something. On that note, I'd thought I would share my first "real" creation. I've been slowly working on this for a couple months. It was originally supposed to be completed by April 4th in time for my niece's christening, but I'm a little slow. Anyway, it's finished and I'm surprisingly proud of it. Here's the finished product: 

Not too shabby for a first attempt, in my opinion. On another note, I'm in a great mood today. Today, I booked another wedding (which is awesome!) and I have a job interview scheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully things will work out! I'll give ya an update later :)


Musings from Jeremy's Birthday Weekend

Just wanted to share the happenings of this past weekend. Jeremy's 29th birthday was yesterday and bless his heart, he had to Not too long though. He did take off Thursday to celebrate however, which was wonderful. In between my shifts at work, I took him out to eat at El Norteno (LOVE LOVE LOVE El Nor!) and we did a little shopping. It was soooo nice to be out and about during the day with him. It was even better to see him get some time to himself. We both bought some video games (to feed our inner 12 year olds) and he bought some new jeans (which I picked out, they look great on him). His big birthday present to himself that he's been saving up for is a new Bowflex: 

You have no idea how excited this boy is over this thing

You too can own this lovely piece of machinery for the low low price of $1398.00. We have a budget set up where we each get a certain amount of money to spend on whatever we want each week and this is what he put his stash towards. And even though I've got my free membership to a gym, I'll probably end up using this thing more. 

Saturday, I finished up my marathon week at work and then did a little shopping for the hubby's b-day. I should note, men are impossible to shop for. I'm making a new rule that Jeremy has to compile a list of everything he could possibly want in every price bracket just so I have a reference point. I knew he wanted to get some new cookware though. We really want to get away from using Teflon so we're switching everything to either stainless steel or cast iron. This stuff is so expensive though. Soooooo, I went to one of my fav stores, TJ Maxx and did a little shopping:
This was my first purchase for him. It's a Wolfgang Puck brand chicken fryer. I think it was $24.99, but it normally retails for around $35.00 I think, so not too shabby ;)
I'm a little more proud of this one. Ignore the Partridges watermark on the It's a Kuhn Rikon Switzerland casserole with lid. It's only a 1.5 quart pot, but the cheapest price I found online when looking for a pic was $85.00! But I got it for $14.99! Woohoo! Thanks TJ Maxx!
Also, for the past several months, we've been purchasing Propel fitness water packets. They are SO good! And the great thing about them is that they make you drink more water. Well, we've just been reusing water bottles that we had already. That was fine until someone had to go and tell me that these bottles eventually start breaking down and releasing plastic residue in your water. I'm no scientist, but it *seems* like drinking plastic residue wouldn't be good for you. Therefore, I also bought this: 

It's a stainless steel water bottle. They're reuseable, eco-friendly, and won't slowly kill you with plastic. Not bad, I think. I highly recommend buying one of this if you use a lot of water bottles. They come in a bunch of different colors. I got the blue one for Jeremy and the red for myself. Absolutely love it already! Can't use it with hot liquids, so it's not for you coffee drinkers out there. But I got this one for $4.99 and they're selling for $9.99 online right now, so they are well worth it!!

On a final note, Thursday I fell in love with a lady from Scotland. I'm sure everyone has heard of Susan Boyle by now, but I just wanted to mention her again. Last time I checked, the video on YouTube had hit 30 million hits and I account for at least 150 of those. And I cry EVERY time! She is a fantastic singer and I love the fact that she got up there and absolutely shocked EVERYONE! I'm actually watching it again right now and I still get chills. It's just amazing. Go, watch, now!
I just love Simon's expression at 4:02 on the clip. It's fantastic.
Can't wait til she puts out a CD.
Especially after hearing this song from 10 years ago she did.
LOVE HER!!! She's just so adorable.


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